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When we got up Wednesday morning, it was a little cooler out (though it went back to 90 during the day) so mom cracked a couple of windows and opened the sliding door to let in some fresh air.

bird watching
monkey see monkey do

why does everyone need to be between the door and the screen??

mom loves this picture
Napa on the right, Savoy on the left
The boys are ready to go, though mom is having a hard time. It seems tougher to let them move on once they have been loose in the house for a while. Luckily one of the partner stores for the rescue has an open cage so the boys will be going there. They are listed on the website as preferred going together. The store where they are going has great employees who will help the boys adjust to their new surroundings and will socialize them as well.

The kittens adore the bear bed. Since mom doesn't want to take that to the store, she threw a blanket on it to get their scent. Seems a certain senior torbie thought that was a great idea and went back to sleeping on it. Oh well. At least the scent will be familiar. The boys have spent the last 2 days sneaking up on Ivy and sleeping next to her. Mom isn't sure if Ivy has mellowed on kittens or she just doesn't care enough to get up and leave.

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Kale was adopted and went home on Saturday. Her name is now Ahsoka (they are Star Wars fans). They have a 9 year old male cat who spent most of Saturday and Sunday hissing at the door. We have no doubt she will win him over in time. You can follow them on Instagram @kididiskitties

We don't think the boys have missed her. They are doing well loose in the house though they are into everything. They are having a good time playing with the older cats, though Daiquiri has made it very clear they are not to get near her.

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